Attached you will find the work order form for facility issues.
Instructions for the work order form:
1. Requester prints the work order form out.
2. Requester fills out all items in section above “Received,” designating the work needed and the date required by.
3. Requester scans the filled out form into a PDF document.
4. Requester emails the PDF document to
5. Requester places the form in the folder labeled “Work Orders” in the workroom.
6. Ted or a Deacon fills out the estimated cost of performing the work, and Ted signs the form.
7. Ted or Deacon then returns the form to the requester.
8. Requester signs work order form, makes a PDF, emails the PDF to, and places the signed form back in the work order folder.
9. Deacons sign and approve the work.
10. Deacons give the form to the Office.
11. Deacons inform Ted.
12. Work can then begin.