Windsor Baptist has a Sunday school that excels in deepening ones faith by teaching right from God’s word, the Bible. The primary focal ministry is to provide Christian education opportunities for all ages, infants through adults. We welcome and encourage you and your family to participate and reap the benefits of God’s word through study and fellowship each Sunday at 9 AM. This is an open invitation to one and all.
Regular Sunday School
Our regular Sunday school classes meet for all ages from September through the beginning of June. There are several adult classes and classes grouped for our school-aged children.
Our classes for children and youth include options for all ages from preschool through high school.
We are currently offering 4 adult classes: Inquirers, Foundations, Builders, and Koinonia.
Summertime Sunday School
During the summer months, there is always something exciting to look forward to. Middle school youth through adults will study and praise God together under the capable teaching of not only our pastors but the Sunday school teaching staff as well. As the adults are being fed spiritually, special children’s classes will also be meeting. Please see our Children’s Ministries page for more information.
Christian Education For School-Aged Children
At Windsor, the goal of Christian Education is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ, ones who increasingly love both God and neighbor, by means of the word of God and prayer. Windsor supports Christian Education through our Preschool and our Academy.