Dear Co-Laborer in Christ,
My wife was taking her walk through our neighborhood recently and came upon a woman who was doing a little gardening. They got into a conversation and talked about a number of things. This woman, a complete stranger, then opened up and told Jean how lonely she was. Jean offered some suggestions about how they could get together from time to time and develop a friendship.
As Jean shared this with me, I felt sad for this woman and was glad that Jean expressed a willingness to reach out to her. The more I thought about this, the more I wondered how many more people in our neighborhood were struggling with loneliness. Then I asked myself, how many members and friends of Windsor Baptist Church are lonely? I’m not thinking just of our elderly members, or those in care facilities, I am thinking of children, husbands and wives, grandparents. I wonder how many are lonely and are so desperate, they will open up to complete strangers about their loneliness because they have nobody to share life with. Everyone seems to care about them.
Yes, we have a friend in Jesus. But the bible says that is not good for a man (or a woman) to be alone. We need human connections, that is the way God has created us. Be a friend to someone, especially to someone who is lonely. By doing so, people will see the love of Christ extended to them.
Pastor Chaya