You can now give donations online to Windsor Baptist Church through our website on any device.
Just click on the “Give” button below, to use our online tool.
If you wish to give directly from your bank account, make sure to select that at the bottom of the giving form. It automatically defaults to the credit card option.
Giving by bank account: Select the bank account option at the bottom of the giving form, in the blue bar area first, before entering any information.
There will be a small fee charged to the church for processing online donations. The giving form does allow you to cover that fee if you wish. Otherwise, it will be deducted from the amount you give to the church. Giving by ACH with your bank account info instead of a credit card will incur a lesser fee. You can select at the bottom of the form which way you wish to give.
If you prefer you can download the app from the app store and give through the app.
- Download the app.
- Create your account.
- Search for Windsor Baptist Church – Uwchland, PA.
- Click the “Give Now” button.