The Christian’s Reasonable Service
(4 Volume Set)
A few years ago at PCRT Joel Beeke recommended this four-volume set for family devotions. I have been looking for it ever since, but waiting until I could find a manageable price. This set sells for more than $100 at CBD and a used set of these on Amazon starts at $79 (before shipping). You can get this for free as an eBook at the Monergism Website (along with many other great titles):
Here is the description of the above set from
A 4 Volume set. It is the magnum opus of a premier representative of the Dutch Second Reformation, Welhelmus a Brakel. The intent of the author becomes evident at once. The thorough and profound treatment of each individual doctrine is personally applied. These applications are devotional gems with a decidedly Puritan Flavor. They represent reformed, experiential religion at its best. Throughout his work, but particularly in these applications, a brakel strives unceasingly to exalt the name of Jesus as the name which the Father has given above every other name. First published in 1700, this title ran through 20 Dutch editions in the 18th century alone! This work represents, perhaps more than any other, the heartbeat and balance of the Dutch Second Reformation. Here systematic theology and vital, experiential Christianity are scripturally and practically interwoven within a covenantal framework. Written with the churches and lay people in mind, this work is more pastoral than original.